New Zealand Bans Tobacco

Written by on 10/06/2022

New Zealand is the process of banning tobacco, for life – fact.

A statement by their Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall in early December (9th) 2021 outlined a progressive phasing out of tobacco sales.

It is currently illegal for under-18’s to buy tobacco. The new legislation raises the legal age by a year, every year, thus preventing youth purchase.

“We want to make sure people never start smoking… as they age, they and future generations will never be able to legally purchase tobacco, because the truth is there is no safe age to start smoking,” Dr. Ayesha Verrall said.

The world’s health conscious grows with evolving science. In December 1964 the Surgeon General’s report cited health effects, most notably lung disease, related to smoking. In 1990, smoking was stripped from sports advertising. In 2004 it was banned from public places. All of these measures are now implemented in all of our ‘first-world’ environments.

In addition to a  sales ban on the youth of NZ, those still of age legible to buy tobacco will have to negotiate further obstacles such as; hiked prices, reduced nicotine and fewer shops where tobacco is sold.

The new laws will not restrict vape sales.

“Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in New Zealand and causes one in four cancers.” Dr Ayesha adds.

By preventing the product sales the Government project a saving to the health system of NZ$5.5b (US$3.6 billion).

However, history does repeat itself, and a black market for tobacco is an ongoing concern. Yet, that ‘evolvement of science’ brings with it new and more informed data broad-scoping the benefits of health and wellbeing, so paramount in today’s society.

While the process of a tobacco ban will inevitably spread across our planet, vape sales in New Zealand at least, are not restricted. And while there is an acceptable alternative, tobacco will fast become obsolete.

Vape sales are not restricted.

Cannabis is a growing legal commodity. Cannabis sales are not restricted.

Tobacco kills. Tobacco clogs the health system. Tobacco costs lives.

Vape sales are not restricted.

Sources: The Guardian, The Bangkok Post and The New York Times

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