It Is… Pt. 43
Written by Prim on 29/12/2023
… He knew what it was, just never cared for it. Least, he thought he knew. Now driving through the endless, and on the most, pointless pages of digital tat, he searched those bargains. Everyone will disagree on music, taste and fashion’s qualms he mused dispassionately, wondering how Nigerian outfit Grotto and the Lijadu Sisters ever went out of fashion, but on the whole the globe and its wife agreed a good bargain to be a sought-after affair. Black Friday now vehemently propped as a bargain machine for the controlled masses, and not what he surmised it to be secretarial help, and why she had to be black was beyond him. It might be worth pointing out here, now I’ve paused and completely lost my train of thought, that he, was supposed to be an 84-year-old white Rhodesian settled into country life back in the old dart, with his two green Labradors and one black parrot, but that might quite as easily lend excuses or confusion or both. Suffice to say the less we know the better, and we shan’t alarm him with the looming Cyber Monday either. So here in this avuncular world of chance he dug the rabbit hole of perceived deceit online. To be catered for via discounted jamboree of every conceivable single item any machine, human or other has thought up, and some not so yet. 63% off a plug-in car stereo to internet thingy-ma-jig-thing was exactly the ticket regardless whether it should actually come with instructions, which in any case would be no use because his Mandarin was poor and the parrot spoke little Swahili. Shucks he thinks, and immediately wonders if you can get a discount on an oyster chucker for the back bedroom. This pernicious quest for a Fagans odyssey drip fed onto Christmas gifts for all the family, whereby science labradorites for adults, engraved rice and yellow tomato growing kits were all the rage. Why are you always on about tomatoes Stan? Jumpers for goal posts, a cathartic donkey for lonesome baying ballads, liniment for the soul and have half a slice of lemon drizzle cake please… pieces of eight, somewhere a Labrador squawked…
… quick, while we can, let’s go to the World News…

New York based Sharp Type is working on the world’s first global font Sharp Earth. Enabling Latin, Arabic, Indian, Japanese, Greek, Thai and English plus various indigenous languages, which should all result in a globally accessible consistent typeface. Should. Co-founder Lucas Sharp says, ‘we live in a fully globalised and digital world, so Sharp Earth represents what it is like to be right here right now’ Fat Boy Slim couldn’t’ve said it better, by the way he’s playing Saigon, 30 December care of Loud Minority, check them out for tickets on

The Finns have closed all but two border stations with Russia because they, Russia, keep sending no papered illegal immigration their way. Finland is likely to close these two borders too. There have been only 100 using the crossing since August but Russia’s dastardly tactics have worked on the world’s happiest nation, causing public outcry and political infighting. Exactly, that’ll learn em for joining NATO.
Japan’s Azabudia Hills opened this week. Much publicised here with its city within a city of 20,000 workers, 3,500 residents and an estimated 30m annual visitors. One big attraction is Teamlab Borderless, a digital art museum consisting all things Teamlab who are world established, in fact the worlds most visited museum who now come home to roost in their hometown of Tokyo.
Ridly Scott’s answer to critics pooh pooing the reality of his latest epic Napoleon have come in for a stern reply. The notion h attended the execution of Marie Antoinette (didn’t) and his gunners cannonballed the pyramids (didn’t) prompted a simple repose, ‘Get a life’.
OK, in shorts: Porsche electric cars sell somewhere upwards of 300,000/ The far right is swinging world politics with votes in Holland, Argentina, Taiwan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Egypt/ And the kennel club of Britain, the top dogs in the canine world with Crufts along with the simple name Kennel Club say the fox terrier breed is at risk. Only 281 puppies this year, 78 less than last year compared to 8000 in the 40s. Get a fox or a terrier or both – that’s enough, pip pip.
Keep it turning keep it wheel, keep it
Till next weak folks – spelling correct.
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