It Is…Pt22
Written by Prim on 16/06/2023
‘I don’t like climate wiped out critters, I love ’em’
‘The Extremes’
One degree, massive, beautiful. Bees fly into windows, late evening dog trots, flip flops slippery when sweat and no one cares about dykes lapping over Holland’s flaps.
Still, I won’t be dipping me pinkies in the drink anywhere above or below the 53 degree line. Not unless I want instant freeze like a cartoon character.
At One and half percent of degree-ism and 70% of our coral has gone, but don’t bet on it. Half our fish frazzled, which is ok, because I like a nice slice of smoked basa with oil, butter parsley and paprika, you know that.
Two degrees and all bets are off because coral will be 99% gone. I’m sure PaddyPower will be somewhere though, they usually are. Bread costs a packet, which also means beer; disastrous friends, action needed. Prickly heat powder sales will be through the roof and Phil Collins will take his jacket off.
3 Degrees and you could swim to Luxembourg and probably never be seen again. Bet their radio carries on playing though, pick that up anywhere – ‘Ooh, argh, precious moments – when will we see you again…’
After months of getting to grips with the radio’s techie stuff, a bit day by day, I had a eureka moment with noise today. Yes, the stereo on mic and volume on talk bed needs tweaking, which by the way would never have talkie bits on talk beds, because that’s for talking… what, too techie for yer. Nb: on the radio did you notice the different degree of song!?
Ad: heaps of shows n stuff on our soundcloud
…Meanwhile, grrr, on the World News watch…

Ice Watch is a great piece of art for any art fair. An art fair that of course likes its art with a clink of climatic awareness. Olafur Eliasson’s blue tinted ice boulders arranged in a demi Stonehenge sort of circle, minus the plinths, sit there doing nothing till they sit there no more. You get the picture.
Bill Bryson reminded us in A Short History of Nearly Everything that it was an American who shipped Canadian ice to the Europeans so they could display ice sculptures in their shop windows for tourists.

Lots of fair and festivals these 1.1 degree kinda days, we’re expected to get to the ‘advised’ threshold 1.5 degrees by 2027. Hold on to your hat till then. Till that hat doth blow, a 3-day design festival in Copenhagen allows punters, that’s us, the real Joe Public to walk through furniture manufacturing buildings to check production methods for transparency on sustainability and craft. Usually contract buyers and their copywriters are the only ones who get to see these production sequences, and by that, it’s usually only the contract buyers.
10pm 10 May… …and 10 June

The 10th edition of the Arab – China Business Conference kick started this week. The transparency of China’s working-the-world if Europe and the US doesn’t want to play is clear to see, and why not. China also recently helped Saudi Arabia make friends with Iran again. Which was nice. This week’s meeting with Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas is to broker peace talks with Israel, well, there’s always a bridge too far.

Isle of Wight festival is this week – awesome as it is, but anyone remember it for any other reason than Jimi burning his guitar, or was that Monterey, and The Who smashing up the joint, or was that Woodstock.
Aircraft interiors getting bigger, hmmm… London office space available… hmmm… oh, here’s a goodun; Venice recently held their Vogalonga regatta– a festival of 2000 rowing boats with 7,300 rowers from 40 countries protesting and having fun. Since 1975 this non-competitive regatta has been protesting against motorboats and the way they churn up the lagoon and rot the buildings.
That aint no way to have fun… there’s that Tom Jones again…
Art Basel kicks off this week- 200 galleries, 4000 artists from 5 continents. Lot of kicking off goings on this week.

Silvio Berlusconi popped his clogs, probably weren’t even his the ol’ rascal. Born in 1936 when there was neither TV nor democracy in Italy he created a media empire in which he channeled 3 presidential reigns. The first was a bit of a flop. But his Forza Italy party finally got to grips with the whole political corruption angle and had to two good innings from 2001-06 and 2008-11. Bunga bunga on and 2,500 court appearance for 106 different cases later and he still never spent a night in prison.
Put that in your proverbial Orangeman and flaunt it… alas, it’ll never happen to ol’ Donald, that being the ‘orange in state orange garb’.
Talking of innings – ASHES start today (Fri) – to all my Aussie mates; Get Stoked

And that’s the end, well it is for Singapore’s only remaining horse racing track. The Singapore Turf Club will sadly close October 2024 after 180 years on the hoof. A land scarcity problem provides no other solution. Yes, they’ve tried reclaiming land, but get this, there is a global shortage of sand. A-ha, so that’s why China is suddenly in bed with the Arabs.
Till next time f-f-f-folks… keep ‘em peeled
Pip pip, ding-dong and ticketyboo
Keep it turning, keep it wheel – keep it radioprimco
It Is is brought to us by Durban’s Bread
With our good chums Chow Pet Foods
Plus we also tip our titfer to guest appearances from CC’s Kitchen, The Cricketers Arms , Citrus Wagons & Bootlace Walking Holidays
If you’d like your name here in lights contact me here for more info
radio is back baby – randomly shuffled tunes just now, while I get time to schedule – meantime, grrr, it does incur light costs, should you wish to chuck in a few sheckles, or not, it doesn’t matter, then chuck ’em this way here
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