It Is…Pt26
Written by Prim on 14/07/2023
‘Onwards and onwards to Ninnyland and t’ North’
‘C.S. Lewis no …-..-“
…sharp turn, right, circumvent the open. Keep close to the edge. If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking too much space… mutters a muttering from the woods, ‘whoa, rad’, he thinks. Keep thoughts clear, press on. Blocks of rock emerge from the earth’s roots and toil, the size of human heads, they stagger a rise, and fan out to the open left like a one-handed card dealer’s pick. Choose, choose wisely, one choice… echoes the wood. Granite, limestone maybe, probably contains a few fossils, who knows, ammonites, dinosaur pooh, he wonders if one day they’ll find Richard Attenborough like this – preserved on the run. Press on, he yells to himself. The stoney steps look slippery from a recent downpour, but hold a decent grip, and beat scrambling the alternative silty verge by five seconds or so, or so he surmises. The cards chuckle.
Striding the half dozen levels in moderate bounds, inquisitive to their underlying past, he presses on, right now it’s just a route out, he’ll come back one day with a rock hammer. Church bells abruptly ring in his wake. A rhythmic melody snatched by a thunderous clang echoes in the silence. They struck again, resonating through the wood, such a huge sound from a distant small town. Majestically they chimed with each breath, in time with each step. Nine tolls peak atop the wind swept verge. Press on, he murmurs. Make quick around the plain, head for the distant wood. The men in pointy hats can’t be far behind now. Veering right the cards chuckled – had he pulled a Joker? A path of loose stone and inhibitions, he skids, barley keeping upright and heads for the safety in the shade of acorns not 50 yards away. Here the canopy leant no change to late summers sun, hidden now as it was behind giant shifting sheep grazing across a leafy colander. The floor sodden with time’s debris, dark oak browns, dull from damp. Keep in the woods, avoid the open, head for the house, the men in the pointy hats won’t wait, press on…
While we work out what he’s on about there we’ll head to World News here…

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon fell 34% this year. Which is great a step forward, the lowest cull since 2019, but 2,649sq m is still three times the size of New York. The agribusiness sector is a powerful political mob in these parts, and with already diluted powers endorsed on the environment and indigenous ministries, it’s highly likely that percentage is merely false hope. I used to remember when it was just a big river with big snakes, now we can add big warehouses to the list.

Japan’s tallest skyscraper at 325m has just been knocked up. Consisting of three towers as part of the Azabudai Hills project, it is a city within a city comprising offices, residency, shops, hotel and a school. They could go a lot higher but Japan do things well, and are more concerned with creating a quality of life for its 20,000 office employees and 3,500 residents. Do you really think so, I really think so…

What’s this; the brightest, hottest exoplanet found outside our solar system with metallic clouds that act like giant mirrors and rains titanium… what!

The association of South East Asian Nations or ASEAN are split into two groups of nuts and nut nuts. The ‘maritime’ nuts are mostly democratic with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Philippines. While the more authoritarian, ‘mainland’ nut nuts of Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Which is all very good, but they do or not as the case may be, get to have their say on what’s kicking off in the region, like for instance Myanmar. Keeping silent and do it your way is often the case. Just as Thailand could/will find out this week if the democratic Move Forward Party will hold the reigns of Parliament or the Army will somehow rig another stint. Where was I going with this this, I’m not quite sure, which is ironically is quite apt for the region.

Germany has sent 240 troops to Australia for jungle training in the Talisman Sabre military manoeuvres. Mass scale logistics and amphibious landings are also on the menu with a total of 30,000 troops from 12 other countries including US, UK, Japan and South Korea. It’s all to keep an eye on China. ‘Australia are trying to figure out a way to increase its defence with other countries and Germany is a safe country to do that with.’ Said someone who reasonable authority, which I think makes them just a little nutty.

Back in Japan, and so are many others, as tourism is picking up. However, the language barrier is still on a less than level pegging. That is until now; trialled at several rail stations and now firmly installed in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station, the world’s busiest; a screen like window displays real time translation from Japanese to 11 languages. It has a voice activation for the hard of hearing, although pronunciation is not the best it does go up to 11.
On that note, we’ll leave it there
P.s. there is no we
Till next time f-f-f-folks… keep ‘em peeled
Pip pip, ding-dong and ticketyboo
Keep it turning, keep it wheel – keep it radioprimco
It Is is brought to us by Durban’s Bread
With our good chums Chow Pet Foods
Plus we also tip our titfer to guest appearances from CC’s Kitchen, The Cricketers Arms , Citrus Wagons & Bootlace Walking Holidays
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