Daily Posts

Page: 24

Dear Diary Days 15-18… cleaned. Domesticated head to toe. After cleaning, cleaned some more. In between cleaning went to the pub. Then cleaned. Noticed computer screen has grown lines. Cleaned it. Nothing to see here, I’ve cleaned it. Bollocks, screen still has lines… nothing stands in the way of WD40. Screen’s getting worse, argh it’s […]

Dear Diary Day 14… Made broccoli soup… was sensational, still is I’ve buckets of the stuff, which is good because when I find a food I like I tend to eat it every day for weeks… months, till I get sick of it p.s still not sure on the spelling of broccoli and the double […]

Dear Diary Day 13… Teachers straining at the bit of sanity is enough to make your teeth curl. After a late night at the pub… it’s work folks… I’m shaken at an ungodly hour so our bedroom can turn into the missus’ classroom. Love covid. Stroke the bristles of sanity. Zen

Dear Diary Day 12… Enjoying a couple of swifty’s with a couple, not together, in their 20’s and 30’s from the UK when the conversation veered without rhyme, reason or most notably now, memory, to Blackadder, or rather my contribution did (must have done) because they looked at me blank, I mirrored their look, whereby […]

Dear Diary Days 7-11… talking of which, I went in one after midnight the other day, what’s all that about? I’ll be writing to them.

Dear Diary, D6… today I brushed the dog 3 times 3 times 3 times and I’m up to here in it. Bought nice bread for Blue Gecko, Phuket sausage sarnies n stuff and hung some groovy pics on the wall – happy to put you in touch with the groovy-man who supplied both

Day 5: daughter 2 spills coffee on desk. Rant n rave like a stuck banshee. Go to shops with a coffee soaked mask… smells lovely and is a pick up. Got the squits

D2: gorged of pistachio nuts to the point of hallucination – we are all inflatable D3: came down D4: cleansed. Ordered bread from Tom for Blue Gecko. And franks from Spike. Got eaten by mosquito’s, now they are inflatable.

Dear Diary… D2… Haircut on the cards. Daughter One says do it and don’t grow it long again because it looks naff. Beardoff too Barbers shut. Have to wait till Monday if no lockdoom. Would’ve always been 100% The Who’s – Cut My Hair but Methyl Ethel’s Ubu snuck in there on boogie-accountability Time to […]

Dear Diary, it’s day one of the year without turkey since Christmas day. It feels strange but not unbearable.

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