Dark Horse Muay Thai

Page: 4

Dear Diary Days 15-18… cleaned. Domesticated head to toe. After cleaning, cleaned some more. In between cleaning went to the pub. Then cleaned. Noticed computer screen has grown lines. Cleaned it. Nothing to see here, I’ve cleaned it. Bollocks, screen still has lines… nothing stands in the way of WD40. Screen’s getting worse, argh it’s […]

Dear Diary Day 14… Made broccoli soup… was sensational, still is I’ve buckets of the stuff, which is good because when I find a food I like I tend to eat it every day for weeks… months, till I get sick of it p.s still not sure on the spelling of broccoli and the double […]

Dear Diary Day 13… Teachers straining at the bit of sanity is enough to make your teeth curl. After a late night at the pub… it’s work folks… I’m shaken at an ungodly hour so our bedroom can turn into the missus’ classroom. Love covid. Stroke the bristles of sanity. Zen

fool ploughs through some gooduns from 2020 dotted with iconic oldies Live 14:30+7 (Thai time) – available on our soundcloud and podcast pages thereafter

It’s arrived, some might say the advent thereof… Show n Tell at Work Tuesday’s with foolery 07:30GMT+7 WnB today with Dark Horse Muay Thai & Blue Gecko, Phuket

Better a has been than a never was… WnB today with Dark Horse Muay Thai and Blue Gecko, Phuket

Dawning of a new era… if you’d like it to be WnB today with Blue Gecko, Phuket and Dark Horse Muay Thai

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