Citrus Wagons
Page: 7
‘It’s not time to make a change Just relax, take it easy’‘Dude called Cat’ It is, yes, the definitive is. Preceded by It. No more it’s gonna be, because it do be. Do be do… exchanging glances… That ship has passed folks. It is time for onwards, into my breeches friends once more, more of […]
But it’s gonna be… IT IS! ‘XXXX’‘xxxx’ A rant n rave on returning to Blighty, which kept the soul occupied traversed into a postie with a murderous dog who ate folk she didn’t like. Ripped from the bosom of tropicality and dragged across green spots of home-home (flip-flops optional), their quests grew warts and garnered […]
But it’s Gonna be… Good ‘Get off you horse and drink some milk’‘John Wayne feeling the festive spirit’ Postie Prim and his Black & White dog bit: Milk Apples in my belly, by Jiminy have they kept the Dr. Away. Who knew the Dr. was a green grocer! Who uses the word green grocer anymore? […]
But it’s Gonna be… Long ‘… It’s been a long, a long time coming But I know a change gon’ come, oh yes it will‘Sam the Cook with an e’ Postie Prim and his Black & White dog bit: Go Long I swear, with all this walking I’m getting shorter. Worn down like a train-spotter’s […]
‘Drop the world I wanna go there’‘Sammy Davis Sr’ Postie Prim and his Black & White dog bit: drop one The grass, chewy over there, green and lush, ready to burst, ripe for spoutings. Conviviality explosion. Yes there, yum yum yum yum yum, argh de cud mighty fine today. Appealing as the greener side of […]
But it’s gonna be… Find ‘You cannot find peas by avoiding… by avoiding… by av…’‘Virginia Steppenwolf’ Postie Prim and his Black & White dog found out Ambiguous sub/ semi sub title. I mean, have they been found out, found wanting, giving, knowing. Found what in what sense. Nirvana? Well just hold up one dog gawn […]
‘A fine fellow, his waist started under his armpits’‘Spike Milligan’ Postie Prim and his Black & White fat Siting on the world’s most uncomfortable desk chair forces you to walk life back into ye ol’ pins every 10mins… hellooo feet, ooh man you fat. On the other of side of not what I was talking […]