daily posts
Page: 13
By Prim 4.4.22 Primed ‘n’ Prepped Heading back to the Old Dart was never on the agenda… until it was. Taking a dog was equally unscripted. Unanimously it was agreed Cherry was coming. Unanimously it was agreed Dad would travel with her. Unanimously it was agreed Dad doesn’t get a choice. Set to task as […]
Dormant for twelve years, depraved and hungry. His might once the envy and scourge of predator and prey. A trophy scalp in anyone’s money. Patiently the tiger waited. Those post the striped assassin filtered through their meaningless tasks, meaningless to him anyway. He is the short tempered beast; eager, hasty, yet on the other paw […]
Dear Diary, it’s day one of the year without turkey since Christmas day. It feels strange but not unbearable.
Dancing boots ready for deployment on a 24 second notice… WnB today with Chow Pet Foods and Blue Gecko, Phuket
It’s arrived, some might say the advent thereof… Show n Tell at Work Tuesday’s with foolery 07:30GMT+7 WnB today with Dark Horse Muay Thai & Blue Gecko, Phuket
Call the cops… WnB today with LS-Invest.Asia and Blue Gecko, Phuket
shausageez you shay… WnB today with Chow Pet Foods and Blue Gecko, Phuket
Cold poster arrived – thanks The G3sha WnB today with Primco and Blue Gecko, Phuket
If you gonna get a hole put a badge on it… 70’s stylee BeeYonde WnB today with LS-Invest.Asia and Blue Gecko, Phuket
Witness the fitness – Pooch Maneuver WnB today with Chow Pet Foods and Blue Gecko, Phuket